charlotte had to be at welby. I mean, didnt mona say that she was watching her always and even though charlotte was fooling everyone else with her "progress", she wasnt fooling mona
i have to apologize to everyone who suspected twincer. I soooooo badly didnt want that to happen and I never believed it. It seemed like such a cliche to me. I always thought "oh theyll see. AD will be melissa or lucas". But alex was a big enough contrast that I liked the idea of twincer. Other than that, the episode was meh, nothing special to me.
she cremated him ='(
i like that idea. mona's revenge. its beautiful. i think charlotte left it all to alex because they bonded over the whole "forgotten and thrown away drake children". As for how charlotte got it later, i have no idea. maybe there was a clause like "in the event of my death...."
i dont think it had anything to do with the braile. I think Jenna just knew Spencer had the SAME smell for years because she could always locate her even though she was blind. I think what gave alex away was the barn smell. If I remember correctly, Syndey said she pulled Jenna out of the blind school and was driving when Jenna said "are you AD".
I also thought of something, why did Jenna and Sara and Noel meet up with each other? We never found out what they or Melissa were trying to protect the girls from. We never found out who actually killed Sara. (or did we? Sorry if we did.) BTW, the person that Spencer said seemed familiar to her, in the dollhouse, couldnt have been Alex right? did she or did she not say she came to rosewood only AFTER charlotte was killed? or was that obviously noel? btw, WHY was noel there. WHAT did he have to lose/have to gain?
hey that reminds me, alison and emily never actually ask/findout who the baby daddy is of their twins
what dissapointed me, was ALL OUR UNANSWERED QUESTIONS. 1 very obvious question, which was even mentioned, how did the women get out of the basement? "oh lets not talk about that" WHAT?! and were promised some twist with how charlotte ended up at the bottom of the bell tower. they never mentioned anything about bethany or her purpose and marion. like that whole relationship. I would also have liked some more details about how alex felt in her situation. i didnt much care for mary's explanation of what happened to alex. I wanted to hear it from alex herself. and what about mona? the doll house...was she ALWAYS A? charlottes mentioned playing with her dolls..was mona always pulling the strings?
thats a show i would watch
yea i remember that. im not sure it will be a true spin off though. then again, i have no idea what perfectionists is about
i think in order for there to be a REAL spin off, there has to be some element of "the bad guy", "the A/AD"
i really dont think there will be a spin off. did marlene say there will be a spin off? i really dont like the idea. i think fans just REALLY REALLY wants there to be one so shes not saying that there wont be one and i havent heard confirmation that there will be. in my experience, sequels suck.