Pretty Little Liars Wiki
Pretty Little Liars Wiki

Season 3[]

It Happened 'That Night'[]


Hanna and Emily

Five months have passed since Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer found out about Mona being "A" and Maya's death. The girls are having a sleepover and discussing their summer plans: Aria has been taking photography classes; Spencer has been taking a full course load at Hollis; Hanna has been expanding her vocabulary and taking cooking classes with Caleb; and Emily has been constructing houses in Haiti. Emily has clearly not been taking Maya's death well, excessively drinking and snapping at her friends when they try to take away the bottle from her.


Emily is then seen standing over Alison's grave, holding a shovel. The grave has been dug up and Alison's body is missing from the casket. The other girls join Emily at the graveyard. A dazed Emily doesn’t remember a thing after getting so wasted at the sleepover. Spencer goes through Emily's phone and finds out that Emily had received a blocked call from somebody at 11pm, and from Spencer's phone at midnight, meaning someone was in Spencer's house while they were all sleeping. That means it’s a setup for Emily to take the fall.

The girls decide to cover for Emily so Hanna and Aria wipe any fingerprints off the shovel and bury it in the middle of the woods. At Spencer's house, Spencer burns the clothes Emily was wearing so that there is no evidence against her. She then leaves a note to her mom saying they were at the lakehouse since that afternoon, providing them a solid alibi.


The next day at the lakehouse, Spencer receives a call from her mother, stating that there were no witnesses and relief spreads across the girls. Emily feels guilty but the others comfort her saying that it was not her fault. They get their stories straight, and make a decision to pretend like last night never happened.

At home, Emily unpacks from her trip to Haiti. She drapes the scarf Maya

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gave her when they first started seeing each other over a framed photo of them together. Pam informs Emily reporters are asking questions again and that she slammed the door in their faces as usual. She tells Emily she's proud of her for making a difference this summer and Maya would be too and that with time her grief will lessen.


During senior registration, Emily watches Aria, Hanna and Spencer from the courtyard, seeing them talking and smiling while they wait their turn to register for classes. She turns around and walks away.

Emily meets Toby in a café. He is remodeling the loft upstairs, so he gets to


live there for free until he finishes the work. He seems very happy to be out on his own. When Emily asks about Jenna, he says he hasn't talked to her since she left the town. Toby asks Emily if she's okay, and she says she's not and that she has to tell him something. Emily tells Toby she spent the whole summer partying too hard. He sympathizes, not being able to imagine losing someone the way Emily lost Maya. Emily tells him she went to a party once and has no memory of it. She feels like she let her friends down. Toby comforts her by saying that her friends love and accept her for who she is. While jogging, Emily sees a blue convertible that triggers her memory of 'that night', but the images are vague. Emily wants to go after the car, but she receives a text stating, “I bet you remember me,” before the car drives off.


Confession time

Emily goes to Spencer's, where the girls have been swimming and worrying about Emily all day. Emily promises she stuck to the story when the cops questioned her, then tells them about the car. She determined that her subconscious may be blocking memories of the that night and anything could trigger it at any time. She shows them the text. Hanna insists it can't be Mona who sent the text and proves it by telling them about her visits to the Radley. Spencer then reveals a secret of her own.

Spencer takes the other girls to the Lost Woods Resort. She shows them the

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3-D diagram she created on her computer in an attempt to recreate the lair as was before it was emptied. The girls admit that they lied to Emily. The day after Maya's body was found, the other girls returned to the Lost Woods to destroy the evidence which would get themselves and their loved ones in a lot of trouble, but the room had already been emptied. They discuss the likelihood that Mona had been working with someone else, who could have given Emily the massage and helped move Ian's body from the bell tower. Spencer believes this person to be the Black Swan, who must have been guilty of something or she would have no reason to run.


Just then, the Liars hear Spencer’s car alarm go off, prompting them to go outside, leaving Spencer's laptop alone in the room. The doors are wide open, and the seats and dash and trunk are covered in photographs of the girls at the cemetery in front of Ali’s open grave. The girls then receive a simultaneous text message : "Mona played with dolls. I play with body parts. Game on, bitches. –A".

Blood Is The New Black[]

Emily is in English class with Spencer and Ar


ia as Mrs.Montgomery hands back papers. She jokes by saying the kids need to spend more time writing notes instead of partying. Emily puts her paper away in her bag when she sees a necklace. She takes it out and it says "DEAD GIRLS CANT SMILE". Emily drops the necklace back in her bag and stands up terrified. Ella asks if she is alright but Emily asks if she can be excuse and Ella says yes. Spencer and Aria follow her out.


In the bathroom, Emily is washing her hands as Spencer, Hanna and Aria follow her in. Emily shows them the necklace she found that has the words and what looks like teeth around it. Hanna says that they are real because she worked in a dentist's office before. The girls wonder if they are Ali's teeth. They hear noises outside so the four girls run into the stalls together. Emily says she is sorry again for putting them through this but the girls assure her it isn't her fault. They discuss if they should give it to the police but Hanna says that they lied about the lake house so what would they tell them. Spencer says she'll keep it in her locker but Hanna says it isn't safe from A. Hanna and Aria fight over the necklace but drop it in the toilet. Spencer says she'll get it but the toilet has senors and it goes off flushing the necklace down the drain.


In the courtyard, the girls talk about this new A and how Mona was never working alone. They ask Hanna if she can go back to see Mona while Spencer goes back to talk to Garret. As Hanna leaves, Emily Spencer and Aria see Jenna come in. Emily wonders if anyone has talked to her since she got the surgery done. Spencer thinks it shady that she didn't come back in town until the first week of school. Emily, Spencer and Aria think that Jenna is related to the events that happened at the Masquerade party and her and Lucas are connected. Aria then says that Jenna is blinder than she was last year after running into some kids.


Emily, Spencer and Aria go back into the school hallway where Emily says that she has to make up 4 tests because she went away. Spencer says that she needs a tutor and Aria says that she should ask Ezra. Emily and Spencer joke by saying that would be awkward because she has seen his underwear drawer and she couldn't think of him as Mr. Fitz anymore. Aria says that was his sock drawer but then sees Meredith in the hallway. Aria informs them that is her dad's Meredith and she just applied for a job here.


Emily meets Ezra at The Brew where he asks her if he can get her anything but she says no thank-you and calls him Mr.Fitz. He says that she can call him Ezra but Emily says she cant but she will try. Emily and Ezra sit down and he asks her what tests she has to make up. She says English, Spanish and 2 other ones. Ezra says they'll start with the one that he knows which is English. Ezra also says that he is sorry about Maya but Emily says that they don't have to talk about that. Ezra says he knows but is still sorry.


The next day, Emily is walking with Spencer, Hanna and Aria as she tells them that her meeting with Ezra was a little weird but she got through it. When they get to Aria's locker, they see a present which is a pair of earrings. They ask her who's earring those are and Aria tells them about how she trashed her dad's office with Ali after she found out they were having an affair. The girls are shocked to hear this but more shocked when Aria says she put these in the casket that Ali's mom put together.


Emily meets Ezra again but this time she is really nervous and seems distracted. Ezra says that he knows she knows the material she just has to focus on it. He tries to help her by asking what she does before a swim meet and Emily says she listens to music. Ezra says that is the key to passing her exams. Before she takes it, listen to music.


Emily is in the classroom ready to take the test. She is listening to music like Ezra said she should. Ella walks up and points at her ears saying she has to take them out. Ella also asks her if she is ready and Emily says yes. She gives Emily the test and Emily begins answering the questions. Emily is taking the test when she looks up and sees a girl put a clip in her hair. Emily flashes back to that night where she sees Jenna doing the same thing. Emily is distracted by this and cant concentrate after. Ella then says that there is 5 more minutes. When Ella collects the test, she asks Emily if she studied and if she is alright. Emily says she is fine and that she did the best she could and rushes out of the room with her test unfinished.


Emily meets up with Spencer, Hanna and Aria in the girls bathroom. Hanna tells them what Mona said as Spencer tells them that her mom is defending Garret and about what Toby found which was Jenna's eye droplets which she has not used yet meaning she isn't blind. This makes the girls wonder why her mom if defending him but Spencer has no idea. Aria also shares that the earring were not Meredith's. Emily tells her friends about her recent flashback of Jenna that she was in her car as Jenna was driving. The bell rings so the girls then leave saying they'll meet up with each other at lunch.


As the walk out, Spencer sees Jenna walking this way so she rushes Emily, Hanna and Aria back in. Spencer, thinking fast, asks Aria for the earrings she just showed them. Aria gives her the earring and Spencer puts it a place where Jenna can see it testing her to see if she can see. Spencer and Hanna go in one stall as Emily and Aria go in the other one right next to them. Jenna walks in and picks up the earring taking off her glasses. This makes the girls know that she can see. After Jenna leaves, Hanna and Aria want to slap her but Spencer says that they could use this to find out answers about what Jenna knows because Jenna doesn't know that they know that she isn't blind. The girls then smile at this because they will get answers from this.

Later, Emily goes to the Brew and confronts Ezra about taking the

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blame for what Ella did. She thinks he did it because he felt sorry for her, and is sick of Ezra and everybody else treating her like "she was made of glass". He apologizes if he made things worse. Then, he gives her a new version of the test, and asks her to solve it.

Birds of a Feather[]


Emily starts her first day of work at The Brew. As she is beginning work, Maya’s cousin, Nate, comes looking for her. As she is busy right now, they decide to meet later. He gives his number and reveals to Emily that he’s going to attend Hollis, so he will be staying in Rosewood.

Emily is surprised as Maya hadn't mentioned any cousin attending Hollis.


Nate explains that he had applied before, but got in only recently. Before leaving, he tells her that he was really looking forward to hanging out with Maya again. After her work Emily meets up with Nate. He shows her a picture Emily had sent to Maya when she was in True North. Then, he gives her the gift that Maya had intended to give Emily. Maya’s mom wanted Emily to have it. Nate explains that the present had arrived a few weeks after the funeral took place.


When Em opens the box, she's clearly moved: There's note saying, 'For My Girl, Love You, Em' and a T-Shirt of the movie they went to see on their first date. Emily and Nate are at the Grille. She learns that Nate's a good swimmer too. They then talk about Maya. Nate tells Emily that Maya always talked about her. She was Maya's first real love. They're silent for sometime, then Emily then asks him for Maya's parents' address for sending them a thank you note. As he is in a hurry now, Nate promises to give it to her later. After he leaves, Emily notices that he had left behind a book.

Later Spencer tells the girls that that they need to find out who the Black Swan is pronto. They also need to find out where Melissa lost her baby so they drive to  Philly. Hanna, Aria, and Emily are near Melissa’s Philadelphia apartment.


They watch Melissa go out and Hanna calls Spencer. The plan is for Spencer to keep Melissa busy, so that the others can search her place. Spencer tells girls not go inside the apartment until Melissa meets her. After 20 minutes the girls enter Melissas apartment and they search for medical records, or anything relating to the baby.


Too close!

They notice Melissa through the window right as she’s about to enter the apartment. As the girls quickly try to put everything back together and hide, Melissa walks in. Melissa heads straight for the closet that the girls are hiding in to grab her wallet out of one of her coats, and it’s a close one for the girls. As they’re hanging everything back up they notice a hanging garment bag from a costume shop. It’s empty when they open it – except for 1 feather… that matches the Black Swan costume.

Back in Rosewood Emily meets up with Nate again and gives him the boo


k. She asks for the address, but Nate's sending them a package, and asks if he can put the letter with it. She agrees and gives him the letter. Nate says he wants to transfer, because all that people are talking about is Maya’s death, and it’s hard for him to adjust. Emily says that if he decides to stay, he’ll have a friend in her.

That Girl is Poison[]

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Spencer, Aria and Emily are on an evening stroll  They consider going to Hanna's House with takeout, who is still brooding over her break-up with Caleb, when suddenly, they hear sirens. A police car and ambulance pull up to Garrett's house and Mrs. Reynolds is rolled out on a stretcher Aria does the side-eye and spots somebody in a hoodie watching from the shadows. She tells Emily and Spencer, but by the time they look, "A" is gone. They suspect if "A" hurt Mrs. Reynolds to get her out of the house.

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The next day at school Emily spots Paige and asks her if she wants to go the movies. Paige is surprised that Emily is asking her, since she thought Emily had been avoiding her. Emily insists that it’s been her own issues keeping her from her social life. Emily then spots Jenna sauntering down the hallway in a shower of congratulations from her peers. Seeing the surprised look on her face, Paige explains that she had more surgery before school, and now she can see. Emily and Jenna exchange glances.

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Emily's at work at The Brew, where Jenna's sitting nearby. Emily's boss asks her to work during Jenna's party, despite her being a guest. Emily serves Jenna who introduces her to Laurel Tuchman, who will be taking photos at the party. Emily overhears Lauren talk about firing her assistant because she caught him stealing equipment. Suddenly, Nate rushes in and makes a scene about Garrett getting out. Emily reassures him Garrett will be with the cops and that his mother’s very ill, but he doesn’t care. Emily has to get back to work, so she asks him to stay for sometime. He spots Jenna, who grins at him.

Emily has to cancel the movie date with Paige, but they'll see each other

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at the party. There is a lot of tension between the two. Paige spots Emily's flask. She assures Paige "I'm done with that. and says that Paige can have it. Emily tells the girls about Laurel shooting the party and Lucas. They speculate whether Lucas was the one who dug Alison up and whether there are ulterior motives for Jenna's party.

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At Jenna's party Emily sees Paige and is very happy to see her. While Paige and Emily talk, they see Nate walk in the door. Nate tells Emily about meeting Jenna the other night at The Brew. Paige appears to be adding booze from Emily's flask to her drink. Emily and Jenna spots a drunk Paige and tries to talk to her with no result. Paige later falls and hits her head.

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Emily and Nate take Paige to the hospital. Hanna meets her there and shows her the jacket. Hanna asks if Emily left the jacket in Jenna's car. Emily thinks A is responsible for it getting to the rummage sale and thinks maybe she saw more than just Jenna that night. Hanna leaves the hospital. Emily sees Wilden leave and immediately sends a text. Nate asks Emily about her relationship with Paige. Spencer drops by and wants to go upstairs to the room where Garrett's mother is in. Nate goes after Garrett but is held back by police. During the commotion Spencer jumps into the elevator. Paige comes out with a few stitches. She doesn't remember anything, but it turns out alcohol wasn't her problem. A tox screen found traces of a sleeping pill in her system. She gives a concerned-looking Emily back the flask.

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Aria calls Emily and looks at the negatives. Emily looks up the drug from her flask and finds it's a sedative used to subdue aggressive patients and inmates. One of the side effects is memory loss and Emily realizes she was drugged that night.

The Remains of the "A"[]


Hanna visits Emily at work. She explains to her what happened at the hospital then hands her a paper with an address. The address (Riverside and State St.), is the pickup location of the bag with Emily's jacket, which was delivered to the church. After finishing her work at the brew Emily goes to the address Hanna gave her. She recognizes a cafe named 'Sputnik's' from a flashback from that night.


Emily has another flashback from "that night". She remembers someone (was it herself?) solving a maze, with the words "I'm sorry I left you" written beside it. Somebody with an eye tattoo on his/her wrist was there with her. She leaves some money on the table and leaves

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Emily arrives at the party and meets Holden. He offers her a cupcake, and she sees the same eye tattoo from her flashback on his wrist. Holden shows her that it is erasable, and not a tattoo. It is for some sort of club/party. Holden tells her that he used to see Maya there. He looks uneasy, and walks away.


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Aria, Spencer and Emily run into a girl who looks and sounds just like Alison. Her name is CeCe Drake, a friend of Alison's who dated Jason. Nate tells Emily he has a date coming up with Jenna. Jenna told him the two of them were good friends, and that she knew Maya, whom she apparently drove to school a couple times. Emily helps Nate shop for a gift for Jenna at CeCe's boutique. CeCe recognizes Emily as the one who had a crush on Alison. She asks if she has feelings for Nate but Emily says they're just friends. Emily tells her about how Jenna used to be blind and that she isn't a safe person for Nate to date. Emily tells Nate a few things about Jenna. She mentions that she dated Garrett, but it doesn't seem to bother him.

That night Emily runs into CeCe on the street. While they're talking CeCe calls

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Jenna and pretends to be Nate's angry girlfriend who wants him left alone. Emily is shocked, but CeCe says, "We're helping your friend out. Problem solved". The next day Emily spots Nate alone, having been stood up because of CeCe's call to Jenna. Later, Aria and Hanna tells Emily and Spencer about Maya's site but they have no idea what the password is.

Stolen Kisses[]

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The next morning, Emily tries one possible password but comes up short. Emily and Nate go to one of Maya's favorite spots in town and reminisce. he tells her about Jenna standing him up. She called and told him "something came up". Nate tells her he's thought about killing Garrett with his bare hands and Emily becomes uneasy telling him not to talk like that. After talking to Nate Emily goes over to Paige's house to tell her that she wants to explain the truth about what happened with her flask. Hesitantly, Paige agrees to meet her after school.

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The next day Emily and Paige go for a run. They stop in the woods and Emily tells her the drug was in her flask. She swears it wasn't on purpose and tells her she's not sure who was trying to drug her. Paige reveals that for at least part of the night that Emily was at Alison's grave, they were together. Paige explained that at about 11pm that night Emily was sitting on her steps. Paige took her in to her house, thinking she was drunk. Emily kissed Paige and Paige didn't stop her, although she knew it was wrong. Paige went into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water, but Emily was gone. Paige tried calling her, but nobody answered. Paige tries to apologize to Emily but Emily doesn't want to talk and Paige walks away.

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That night she goes back to Maya's favorite spot and Nate appears. Emily asks Nate if a person can do something without knowing it, Nate tells Emily he believes that even when you do something in a dream or when you're drugged, it's still you. Hearing this, Emily realizes kissing Paige were her true feelings coming out.


Emily walks to Paige's house finding Paige at the pool. Paige apologizes to Emily and says she'll kill whoever put that stuff in her flask. Emily tells her not to say it or mean it. After Emily tells her that even though she was drunk that night, she was "looking for somebody". And came to Paige. Emily passionately kisses Paige. Later she and Paige are skinny dipping in the pool.

The Kahn Game[]

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Spencer and Hanna sees Emily with Paige and Spencer thinks that Emily deserves a moment of happiness and decides not to tell her about Mayas website. Hanna later confronts Emily about having been able to hack into Maya's website a few days ago. Upset, Emily asks why she didn't tell her sooner and Hanna responds that they all saw her so happy with Paige that they didn't want to ruin that for her with past memories of Maya. Instead of giving the log-in information to Spencer like Caleb asked, Hanna gives it to Emily to see for herself instead.

That night, Emily watches the videos on Mayas website when

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suddenly Paige enters the room. Emily tells Paige about Maya's secret website but Paige understands how it feels to miss a loved one who is no longer alive. Emily says to Paige that she d doesn't want it to hurt anymore and Paige comforts her.

What Lies Beneath[]


Hanna finding a letter from Maya to Emily. She shows it to the girls. Maya wrote that she had something she wanted to show Emily, but not to contact her phone because someone had stolen it.

Nate drops by to see Emily at the coffee shop.

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He spots Jenna with Noel and starts getting angry. After Noel leaves Nate walks over to Jenna and starts harassing her about giving her a late birthday present. She heatedly tells him to get out of her way. Emily sends Spencer a text letting her know Noel is on his way to practice. "Opportunity knocks", she writes.

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Hanna and Emily go to Noel's cabin to look around. They walk inside, not knowing that there is a security camera pointed on the location. Inside Noel's cabin, it is still messy from Noel's last party. Emily says that there is no way that Maya would have wanted Emily to meet her here, but Hanna insists on looking around.

During their search of Noel's cabin, Hanna decides to check another room.

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They end up finding a door hidden behind a bookshelf. Inside is a bedroom set-up and Maya's bag. Inside Maya's bag is an old birthday card Emily gave to Alison on her 14th birthday, a knife with "LJ" carved onto it, and a one-way bus ticket to San Francisco. They realize Maya never left Rosewood. The door slams shut, locking them in. They yell out asking "Who's there?" and "What do you want?" and then the light goes off.

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In the cabin Emily and Hanna are trying to get out. Emily says there's no service but they think whoever locked them in has just left. Emily begins breaking windows and Hanna ends up getting a cut from the glass in her leg. Emily ties a scarf around Hanna's thigh and they are finally able to escape through a window. Outside they find a spray painted message from "A": "I'm saving you for later". Emily thinks that Hanna needs to go to the hospital. She won't go, so Emily calls Wren.

Emily shows him Maya's bag and some of her stuff.

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She tells Nate how she thinks Maya had been staying at the cabin. They hug and begin to kiss. At this exact moment Paige walks by and sees them. After Paige walks away, angrily pushing over some trash cans, Nate tells Emily he'd wanted to kiss her for a long time and he hasn't felt this close to anyone for a while. Emily gets a text from Paige canceling their plans. The next day Paige casually asks Emily the next day about what she did last night. Emily said that it was intense and says she and Nate 'mostly' just talked. "Mostly?" asked Paige and doesn't revel that she saw Emily and Nate kiss.

Single Fright Female[]


Em tells Paige she kissed Nate.

Emily tells Paige about kissing Nate. She thinks it makes sense given their relationship to Maya and the emotion involved. After school Nate asks Emily if she wants to go out for dinner and a movie. She cuts him off, saying she wants them to just be friends. Visibly upset, he tells Emily that he recalls Maya giving the same speech to "20 different guys". Spencer asks Emily about Paige's history with Alison. Emily is upset Spencer is suggesting a dark side in Paige and eventually yells at her. We see that someone has been eavesdropping on them (probably A).

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While studying Emily asks Paige about Alison. Paige says she barely knew Alison. Paige asks whether or not Emily should be questioning her friends, as Emily was the only one who was poisoned amongst the girls on "that night". Emily says "I trust these girls with my life". Paige says Emily's right but thinks she should spend some more time with them.

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Emily arrives at the trunk show with Paige. While Emily tries on a dress, Paige and Spencer talk alone. Paige says being with Emily has made her feel more confident and tells Spencer she'd like to make a fresh start with her and the girls. Spencer tells Hanna about the talk with Paige and wonders if perhaps the knife is in her bag. They snag it and quickly look through. Just as Emily comes out of the dressing room, they turn around, concealing the bag. Emily notices, takes the bag, and leaves with Paige.

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Paige and Emily talk on the front porch. Paige comes clean about Alison torturing her for years and begins to cry. Paige says she became suicidal but ultimately didn't want to let Alison win. Paige leaves Emily on the porch to wash her face. While she's gone, Jenna walks over to Emily and says "I need to talk to you about your friend". When Jenna realizes that Emily isn't alone, she cryptically warns her to be very careful who she spends her time with. "Very careful". Emily watches, confused, as Jenna gets into a cab. While she's distracted, Paige declines a call from Spencer on Emily's phone.

The Lady Killer[]

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Aria, Spencer and Hanna discuss about how to tell Emily that Paige has Alison's body and is "A". They lure Emily to Hanna's house with promises of an apology for how they acted towards Paige. However, when Emily arrives, they "hit her with the truth". They show her the earring from Ali's grave that they found in Paige's bag, but Emily says that "A" has planted things where they were before. She also suggests that the girls are lying to her: "When did it become so easy for you to lie to your friends?" She leaves promptly, after saying, "Three to one. "A" wins". The girls realize that this is what "A", or Paige, wants - to separate Emily from the girls and have her all to herself.

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Paige is at Emily's house. Emily says to Paige that they don't know who she is. Emily then reveals to Paige that the girls are being tortured by a new "A". Paige seems offended that the other girls think she is the new "A". Then, Paige gets a text from "A", telling her to go to Ali's grave at the Rosewood Cemetery at 10pm or Emily gets hurt.

Emily tells her mother that she is going out of town with Nate to avoid all the reporters hounding her about Garrett's trial. They are going to stay in a Lighthouse Rock Inn in Belmar. Her mother would rather have Emily stay home with family, but Emily says, "with Maya's family", and also mentions that Nate and Maya's parents will be there. Spencer and Hanna are okay with Emily going out of town, thinking that a little trip will be good for her. As Hanna leaves, Spencer looks at a flyer for a Ghost Train Party. At the Lighthouse Inn, Emily is woken up by a phone call from "A" (presumably) telling her, in a distorted voice: "You have one minute. Get out". She looks around for Nate, but she can't find him.


Emily gets a call.

Emily looks through Nate's bag and finds an envelope. He comes in the room and almost catches her. Nate says that his parents will arrive in a few hours. As he is depositing some wood into the fireplace, Emily sees yellow paint splatters on his boots. This rings a bell to her. Emily goes through her phone and looks at pictures of Maya at True North - one of the pictures shows Maya sitting on a picnic blanket, with a yellow paint-splattered boot opposite her. Emily realizes that Nate was the guy from True North that Maya had dated, and ultimately, her stalker. Emily heads out for fresh air, but Nate stops her. He gives her her jacket. Emily heads through the woods and tries to call the girls. However, she is stopped by Nate. She says that he scared her half to death, and he says, "Not really. But I will".

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Nate and Emily are back in the inn. Nate makes Emily watch a video of Maya telling Emily that she was staying in Noel Kahn's cabin because her True North stalker had come to Rosewood. Maya says that their relationship will rekindle. Right behind her, Nate continually bangs a knife against a table. As the video ends, he tells Emily that he had always loved Maya and that he was never her cousin. He's not who he claims to be - rather, his name is Lyndon James. He says that when he found Emily at The Brew talking about Maya, he was at a cross between hating her because Maya loved her, but loving her as well because he could connect to Maya through Emily.

Lyndon says that when he and Emily kissed, he thought that maybe he didn't have to hate Emily, but then Emily played him, like what Maya did. He tells Emily that since she took Maya from him, he will take Paige from her and he pulls a gagged, sobbing, Paige from the closet, knife in hand. Emily snatches her phone as Lyndon gets ready to kill Paige. However, he gets a distraction as he hears footsteps right outside the inn. Emily takes the opportunity to run out through the back.

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Lyndon follows Emily all the way up into the lighthouse. Emily tries to call 911, but cannot answer as he fights her, knife in hand. In the struggle for the knife, she stabs him in the stomach. He falls to the floor. Caleb shows up and leaves his gun on a shelf in the tower while comforting and hugging Emily. Suddenly, there is a gunshot and we see in later scenes that Caleb has been shot in the abdomen. Caleb's and Lyndon's bodies are loaded into an ambulance as a completely distraught Hanna sobs, with Spencer and Aria comforting her.

The police confirm that Lyndon is dead, while questioning a traum

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Police asks Emily if she knew the deceased.

atized Emily about Lyndon. "The deceased was a friend of yours?" Paige goes up to the police while Emily runs forth to the other girls. She says to the police that someone had sent her a text telling her to go to Alison's grave, but Nate had gotten her before she could get there.

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Later, the four girls are in the hospital, waiting to hear further news about Caleb's condition. He is in surgery, and isn't dead. The girls see Garrett and Veronica Hastings walk in. Veronica walks over to the girls and apologizes for what Emily experienced. However, she says that thanks to Emily, Garrett is a free man. The girls get a five-way call from A, yet again in a distorted voice, saying: "Emily, I owe you one". Emily looks up at Garrett, who smiles in return.

This Is A Dark Ride[]

The Liars are walking discussing their

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Halloween costumes and the ghost train party together. As they're walking they see a casket in a front yard with the words "RIP Alison DiLaurentis". A very aggravated Emily walks over to take it down and Clifford Yourdly jumps out of the casket and scares the girls.

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At the train station Emily is arriving with Paige and she walks up to her friends as the ghost train arrives. Aboard the ghost train Emily and Paige share a kiss unaware that they are being watched by The queen of hearts. Later Spencer tells Emily, and Hanna about Garrets secret and that Aria's father could be involved with Alison's death.

Emily tells Spencer and Hanna that she can't find Aria. Spencer, Hanna


and Emily starts looking for Aria in the train and finds her in the last second before the box she was thrown in falls of the train. At the end of the ghost train ride Emily, the girls and others stay behind to be questioned by the police. Noel and Toby have a phyiscal altercation and knock over the large ice box. Alison's bodybag falls out. The liars stare in shock.

She's Better Now[]

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Emily is in her room when she receives a text from Hanna telling her that Mona is back. A ladder then leans up against Emily's window. As she goes to see where the ladder has come from, her dad enters the room and tells her that they are installing a new alarm system on all the windows in the house. Wayne tells Emily that Garrett's mother called. She is going to the Rosewood police to talk about her son's death. Emily ends the discussion by saying she is going for a run to train for the 10k Varsity Club Fundraiser tomorrow night for school, but Wayne tells her that he and her mother do not want her to be running at night with all that has happened. Later the girls are talking about Mona at school, and Emily suggests that they all befriend Mona thinking that maybe Mona will tell them something about what happened the night of Halloween, specifically about Aria's dad.

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Emily apologizes to Aria later and they walk to class together. Aria tells Emily that she still hasn't told Ezra about his son. They then walk into their history class and are shocked to see that Meredith is their new teacher. During class, Meredith asks Aria a question to which she does not know the answer to as she is texting the rest of the girls. Meredith takes Aria's phone and asks her to stay after class. Aria, however, does not stay alone. Spencer, Hanna, and Emily also stay and Meredith asks them to not stop texting about her history with Byron during class.

After school Emily is sitting at home under house arrest when he

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r dad tells her he's going out for a few hours. She quickly swaps their phones over when he isn't looking so that she can turn off the alarm system. She climbs out of the window and meets the girls at the janitor's office. They unlock the door but find that Mona's stuff is gone. However, they find the book he was writing in, which they discover to be Ali's diary.

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They find a page of Alison's Diary that talks about how she was blackmailing Byron about Meredith. They hear a noise and Aria rips the page out and they leave but they run into Harold, who questions them what they were doing down and snatches the page in Aria's hand there but are saved when Toby comes down looking for them. Back home Emily's dad receives a call saying that Meredith was harmed in the fire. He asks why Emily is being so secretive with him.


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Spencer, Hanna and Emily go to Harold's office looking for the diary. Spencer hears something, and a person in a hooded sweatshirt suddenly pops out and escapes from the office, but not before Hanna catches sight of their dirty, black shoes. They find the room empty of Mona's things and a diary that looks like Ali's, but does not have writing in it. All is left is a note from A that reads: "Keep moving, ladies. Nothing to see here".

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Later in school Paige tells Emily her parents are being very strict and setting curfews for her since the lighthouse catastrophe. However Emily wants to go to a swim team party being held in the woods, and says that they'll just arrive and leave early.

That night on the way to the party Paige tells Emily she needs to pull over.

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She seems to be having a panic attack of some kind. Paige says she "can't to anything" since Halloween. Her parents don't actually have her on restriction, she says; she's just too terrified herself to leave her house. The death of Garrett has her worried about the next bad thing that might happen. Emily tries to calm Paige down and suggests they go for a walk.

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Paige and Emily return to Paige's car and finds one of the tires has been slashed. They see somebody in the trees wearing a black hoodie, and Emily takes off after them. Emily loses track of the person and Paige convinces her to return to the car. After they leave, the black-hooded A is revealed to be Toby.With Paige's car out of commission, Emily crashes at Paige's place. Paige is amazed that Emily could be so brave. Emily wants her to get professional help.

Misery Loves Company[]

Emily is pouring the patient, Aria, som


e tea when she makes a comment about it smelling weird. Aria remarks that Meredith says it some herb tea. Emily goes to Toby's to get some reading, Lord of the Flies, done and tells him that she relate, that Mona brought them closer together. When he leaves, he gives her his keys to lock up, she calls Spencer to tell her she got the keys.

Em is seen having a nice lunch with Paige and questing her if she thought about getting help for her panic attacks, which she says she found someone. Hanna then comes over and steals Em to ask her to spy on Caleb for, she agrees. As she is fixing to see who Caleb is with at a cafe, she gets a text and leaves, not seeing Paige. Em, along with Hanna, are seen on Spencer's bed talking about the "A" key.

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She and Hanna later go to Aria's house since they haven't heard from her all day. When they get inside, they go to Aria's room, when Meredith appears and tells the girls that she is in the basement. As they walk down the steps, Meredith shuts the door and locks them in. They find Aria and grab Em a golf club after the basement door opens. Byron appears and tells the girls that he didn't kill Ali, but saw Melissa come outside, talking on her phone.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno[]

Aria and Emily talk about not

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having heard from Spencer. Pam brings Emily a package that has just arrived in the mail from Nate's, or Lyndon's, family. Inside are a bunch of old birthday cards she sent to Alison along with her biology notebook.

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At school Emily shows Spencer the notebook and asks her if Ian might be the Beach Hottie. Spencer is snappy and says she doesn't understand why they're still being loyal to Alison. Emily makes her read the portion that talks about Alison meeting with Toby after he was sent to juvie. Spencer starts to cry. She tells Emily that she and Toby broke up but she isn't ready to talk about it quite yet.

Later Emily asks CeCe who the "Beach Hottie" was in Alison's notebook.

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CeCe says that Alison never told her who that was. Upon seeing the picture of her and Alison in Cape May, CeCe tells Emily the memory of when they were there. A desperate and distressed Alison follows CeCe to a restaurant and tells her that she thinks she might be pregnant. She says that if the guy whom she had the unprotected sex with finds out, "He's gonna kill me".

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At Aria's place Emily and Aria talk about the possibility of Alison being pregnant. It's possible the information wouldn't have showed up on her autopsy. They both think she should take the information to the police and Emily offers to go down there. Later at the police station Emily hands in the notebook to Wilden.

Dead to Me[]

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Emily stops by the station to take a picture of the picture of Wilden in Cape May. Emily notices that the picture was taken down. Pam meets with her and pulls a postcard from Paris out of bag and Emily quickly says it's hers. Later that day Emily tells Spencer about Wilden's picture being gone. She hands Spencer the postcard, which Emily had left in Alison's casket. It was one of 24 things left, which means "A" has several chances to come after her. "A" wrote on the postcard in French: "Stop digging. The police already know it's you that's capable of murder".

Later the same day Emily meets with Dr. Sullivan She says "not talking isn't working". Emily is having trouble dealing with the fact that she killed somebody, even though it was in self-defense. Dr. Sullivan suggests hypnotherapy to help her reframe the problem that is controlling her life. Emily's up for it.

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During Emily's hypnotherapy session Dr. Sullivan asks her what happened "that night", referring to the lighthouse. Emily repeats Dr. Sullivan's words ("that night") and draws attention to how ambiguous the question sounds.


Emily says she sees "her". Dr. Sullivan assumes it is Paige but it is shown to be Alison. Alison says "we shouldn't be here" and "it's dangerous" among other things. Under hypnosis, Emily grabs a shovel and hits a frightened Alison with it. She wakes up and leaves immediately.

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A frantic Emily returns home and tries to call Hanna. She stares at the Paris postcard and has a flashback: It's Emily and Alison talking about taking a trip to France. Their fingers touch as they look at the postcard and Alison proceeds to flirtatiously tell Emily how nice would she would look on the Eiffel Tower. When asked how long they would stay there, she says they should go away "forever".  In present day, Pam comes home and Emily tells her mother that she's not sure what kind of person she is anymore. Pam reassures Emily that she is nothing but "all good".


That night Hanna, Emily and Aria arrive at the mausoleum. Jason tells them that they shouldn't wait for Spencer as he doesn't think she's coming. At the very last minute she arrives. Jason assumes she has changed her mind, but she corrects him by saying that she only came because she was sure she could find him there. She tells Jason that Alison was pregnant when she died and the father was Wilden. Jason leaves, followed by the girls who are angry with her. The other girls think something is really wrong with Spencer. They all agree that the way she is behaving is not proportional with what they think happened.

Emily hears sprinklers and realizes that in her hypnotherapy session,

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she mixed up her memories. She flashes back to a night in the graveyard where a person in a black hoodie was trying to dig up Alison's grave and open her casket with a crowbar. There were sprinklers that night too. Emily was right behind them with a shovel in her right hand, desperately telling them not to do it. As Emily tried to stop them, she said exactly the same things she saw Alison say in her hypnosis session. The black-hooded person covers Emily's mouth with his or her hand while a woman in a red coat behind them watches and leaves. Emily says that she "is the one in charge".

What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted[]

Emily, Aria and Hanna are

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discussing what to do about Spencer, still obviously distraught about her new discovery and break-up with Toby. Aria asks if she has spoken to Toby and Emily replies that she left him a ton of messages. Emily suggests they bring over cupcakes to the Hastings's residence. Aria reminds her to tell Spencer what she remembers about "That night". As they are walking out of the main building, Hanna mentions that she also saw a blond girl in a red coat when she went for the interview that A set up. They pause when they see Spencer practically shouting with Andrew, a member of the Academic Decathlon team. Emily goes to talk to her only to be rebuffed. Later at The Brew Emily sees CeCe buying a coffee, and CeCe apologizes for not texting Emily back. Emily doesn't mind, and asks her if Detective Wilden is the "hottie" from Cape May that Alison was talking about.

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Later Emily knocks on the door to the Hastings residence finding Andrew in only his boxers. Emily comes in with cupcakes and questions Why Andrew left nearly naked.  Spencer tells her that she was just trying to get her spot on the Academic Decathlon back.Emily thinks that she was acting stupid and completely unlike herself, and threatens to ask Toby what happened. Spencer tells Emily not to ask Toby what happened between them, and Emily is livid, not understanding why Spencer wouldn't want her to talk to Toby seeing as they're friends. Spencer says that she couldn't understand, but Emily is not allowing it. Spencer ends up storming upstairs to her room and slamming the door. 

At school, Jason is sitting in a class room, and Emily walks in to tal

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k to him. She tells him about the picture of Ali and Wilden on a dock in Cape May. Jason says that Ali gave her dad a picture of her, Wilden, and CeCe on a boat, and Emily asks him to show it to her. Emily continues to dig into Alison's past and her vacation at Cape May. Jason and Emily go to Jason's house to get the key to the apartment that the photo is in. They find his porch covered in whiskey bottles, and Emily gets an A text. At Jason's father's apartment, Emily and Jason begin to look for the picture. Emily tells Jason not to trust Mona, but Jason says that she is the only link to Ali's murder and is trying to get Mona to tell him what she knows.

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Jason and Emily find out that CeCe may in fact know more than she is telling Emily, and that Ali took a picture with Wilden and CeCe on a boat. Jason tells Emily that he remembers Melissa and CeCe talking outside his house the night that Ali went missing.

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As Emily and Jason leave, the elevator they get on stops suddenly. Jason is able to get the elevator doors open, and Emily jumps down to the floor. When she does, the doors close and the elevator falls down the shaft with Jason in it.

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At the hospital Emily text the other girls an S.O.S, and when they meet her at the hospital, including Spencer, she tells them what happened. The picture that they found is gone. Spencer apologizes to Emily about the way she acted earlier. A nurse then comes up and asks Emily where her friend went and that the bed is empty. The girls rush in and find that Jason's bed is empty and all the tubes and wires he was hooked up to have been disconnected.

===Hot Water=== 

Emily tells Hanna that Jason is lying low at a friend's place

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for awhile. Hanna wants them to speak with Paige and make sure she told them everything. Hanna tells her about Jamie and the five-dollar bill, and Emily says it's probably just a coincidence. Emily and Hanna see that Paige is about to visit the Rosewood Costume Shop to check on past purchases of the Queen of Hearts costume. They say they're going with her, to Paige's reluctance.

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At the costume shop Shana isn't thrilled that Paige didn't come alone. She tells Paige she can't give out information on past rentals. While Hanna and Paige distract her, Emily is able to get on the computer and send herself past credit card transactions related to the costume.

later that day Emily wonders to Hanna if Toby might have cheated on Spencer. She also admits to being worried about Paige having some sort of relationship with Shana. Aria tells the girls about Ezra being back and that she saw Mrs. Fitzgerald.

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That night Paige admits that she had a brief relationship with Shana when Emily was working in Haiti over the summer. Paige says that she was a substitute for Emily and assures her that she has nothing to worry about and they kiss.

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Emily goes to CeCe's apartment, where CeCe reveals that she is leaving Rosewood to, "anywhere, fast", because of Wilden. She tells Emily that she thought that she could keep the secret about Wilden and Alison. Emily tells her about the sailboat picture, and CeCe says that Alison thought he was cute, so she asked him to take them on a ride. Emily asks CeCe why she lied then, and CeCe replies that she doesn't have time to talk about it.

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Emily presses her further and she says that she thought Wilden got Ali pregnant and killed her to keep it a secret. She doesn't know if it's true and Wilden is going out of his way to deny it - and "if there's one thing Ali could do, it's tell a good lie". Since Wilden has friends on the police force, CeCe couldn't turn him in. Emily says that Jason told her that he saw CeCe at his house the night Ali disappeared. CeCe says that Ali called her that night and was freaking out about some videos that "everyone wanted", Melissa more than anyone. When CeCe showed up at the DiLaurentis house, Melissa begged her to talk to Ali. After she did, Ali left to get the videos and the next day, she was missing. Before CeCe leaves, she tells Emily that Melissa took the picture of them on the sailboat.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind[]

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Spencer tells Emily and Aria she believes that Toby is "A". after hearing this Emily calls Toby and says she wants to talk. She takes a key out of a drawer. In Toby's apartment Emily finds Hanna intently watching the news instead of helping her search for info on Toby. Emily isn't convinced Toby could be dangerous. They find a parking pass for Radley Sanitarium with "E. Lamb" on it in one of Toby's books that Emily gave him. Hanna thinks Emily should talk to Toby's parents.

Will The Circle Be Unbroken?[]


Missy, Shana, and Emily at The Brew

Emily is seen in the morning with her friends when the principal confronts them and asks them if they know where Spencer is. Later on, Emily runs into Shana at the coffee shop and finds out that she swims, something she nor Paige ever mentioned.  She introduces Emily to Olympic gold medalist swimmer Missy Franklin. Emily is in awe and takes pictures with Missy. She promises Shana she will send her the pictures. Shana then leaves the coffee shop, with Emily pleasantly surprised.


In the street, we see Emily catching up to Dr. Sullivan to ask her about visiting Spencer and is told what Spencer said about Toby. No body has been found in the woods and Dr. Sullivan isn't convinced that Spencer saw what she thinks she saw. The girls are discussing about Spencer being at Radley in the school's bathroom. Hanna suggests they pretend to be Spencer's cousins to be able to get into Radley to visit Spencer. Aria says no one will believe that. Emily chips in that they have to find out why she is absolutely certain that Toby is dead. Mona suddenly comes in the bathroom. She asks about Spencer. Aria tells her she's the reason why their friend is Radley and makes a threat.

I'm Your Puppet[]


Emily and the other two girls go to Radley Sanitarium to see Spencer. They all try to convince her that Toby isn't dead, but Spencer doesn't believe them. She's sure of what she saw in the woods. To prove Spencer wrong, Emily, Hanna, and Aria go to the morgue, dressed up as the candy stripers again, and look for the body, and it isn't Toby, like they thought.


The girls in their candy striper outfits

Unfortunately, Emily's mother, Pam Fields tells Emily that they found another body, and that they think it's Toby's. Emily is in complete shock when she finds this out. Even though the police say they think it's Toby, it's later shown that the "901 Free At Last" tattoo on the hip of the dead body is smudging off, which is showing that the body isn't Toby's.

A DAngerous GAme[]

Emily, Aria, and Hanna are downstairs in Spencer's


kitchen discussing Spencer and that she is now out of Radley. They also talk about the second body in the woods and that it is probably Toby. Emily is of course sad about this and Hanna comforts her and says that there could be hope. Spencer than comes downstairs telling them they lost Toby a long time ago but they didn't know it. Then she invites them to a party that her parents are hosting on Friday. They agree.

All four of the girls are seen outside of the school and they talk about "A"

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kidnapping Malcolm. Aria tells them not to get involved but as soon as she leaves, Hanna takes the poster for babysitting him. Emily and Spencer tell her not to do it but Hanna doesn't care. Shana then comes and Emily asks why she is here. Shana tells them her team is practicing. She then asks Spencer is she's coming and that she hopes to see her there. After she leaves, Hanna comments that she doesn't like her because she flirts with everybody but her. Emily adds that Shana is nothing but trouble.

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That night while Emily is out for a run, Hanna calls her to tell her she couldn't get the name of the person that kidnapped Malcolm while she was babysitting her. Emily then sees Melissa knock on the Cavanaugh house and somebody lets her in. Emily gets on the porch to spy through the window. Melissa and Jenna are having a heated conversation that is barely audible. We then see Shana appearing next to Jenna. Emily is shocked there is a connection with the three of them.

That night, Emily, Hanna, and Aria are in Hanna's kitchen. They are all cluing each other in on what they found out. Hanna discovers that Spencer is on the A-Team. They decide it all happened when Spencer was in Radley. After Hanna realizes that someone could be listening to them, she turns on loud music and they make a plan.

The next day at school, Emily and Aria are in the bathroom stalls and Ha

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nna is in a red coat so they can lure Spencer in the  bathroom so they can talk. After Spencer enters they girls confess they knew she is on the A-Team. Spencer tells them Toby is still alive and that she saw him last night. Spencer tells them the part tonight is a setup and Red Coat just wants them all together. They decide no matter what happens, they stick together.

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That night all the girls but Spencer are in Hanna's house getting ready. It is clear they are just pretending they think it's a real party because "A" is filming them. Later, they are at The Thornhill Lodge dressed in more appropriate clothing for spying. They see Toby pulling Spencer outside but don't know Toby is just pretending.

They corner Mona in the lodge when she thinks she is alone.

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Mona starts freaking out because this was not apart of the plan. Suddenly, someone locks the building from the outside and sets the lodge on fire while the girls are still  there. They all try to get cell phone service with no luck. Mona tells them Red Coat is doing everything, and that she's everywhere and nowhere. In her panic, Mona reveals that she doesn't know who Red Coat is.


Next, we see someone in a red coat pulling the liars out of the burning lodge. We see them all of a sudden on the ground outside of the lodge. After they wake up, Mona, Hanna, and Spencer says that Alison is Red Coat. Emily and Aria tell them it can't be but don't know what to make of everything.

The four girls and Mona are driving when Emily asks if Mona was at the

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graveyard. Mona says she was but she didn't see Red Coat because she was wearing a mask but it looked just like Alison. They see Wilden's car in the middle of town. They get out of the car and see that Shana and Jenna are the ones that dragged Wilden's body away after Ashley hit him. They see the trunk propped opened so they open it. The camera cuts after they all gasped so the audience doesn't know what was in there.
